Content Consumerism - Arabs forgot to book a seat ?

Different news media did a good deal of advertising for the new web era that brought up the web 2.0 concepts to the surface. All so-called content web / social web / I don't know what else it was called..

One of my smart professors, Imran Zulkernan, was surprised that these (silly - as per him) concepts of writing blogs or wiki's and so on are gaining significant attention. Why should we care ? - he asked..

well.. I was the TIME magazine's person of the year.. hahaha .. very funny abujayyab .. well, it is true that it is not a great thing to be in the TIME's person of the year list given that George W. Bush was there twice.. but we all share this disgrace of being the creators of a new era .. we are all to be the person of the year.. social content audience..

the controllers of the new technology .. me, you, him, her, .. all proverbs should have been the person of the year.. but is everyone included ?

A very sad fact pops-up about Arabs contribution to this new form of information.. given the sad facts reported in the Arab Development report by the UN ..

330 translated books/year to and from Arabic = 1/5 the ones to and from Greek
1000 years' translated books from and to Arabic = 1 year of translated books from and to Spanish !

Well .. i think we are doing as bad in the internet content era .. other Than Baba Ali's videos, we are all blamed for this lack of being there .. of participating as a part of the information cloud..

and by the way .. Baba Ali's content is not in Arabic ..yet it's related to a major part of them ..

how many times have you entered an Arabic Forum and got what you wanted? how many times have you entered an Arabic public chatting room and had a pleasant experience? how many times you have found a usefull Arabic open source community ?

We are ready to spend 25 hours a day reading books online, looking at others blogs, watching Baba Ali's videos, downloading torrents, and and and .. how much out of that have we contributed ? shouldn't we wake up ?

I think it is the time for everyone to act like the person of the year at least .. you should do better than G.W.Zeft .. I mean Bush..

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