It's irrelevant for people in Gaza if I condemn their violence or not. It's irrelevant because I am not accepted as a preacher. You can't preach your morality on people living like this: in slums, refugee camps, and surrounded by fences - Azmi Bishara
Mr. Abu El Gheit - Egypt foreign minister - volunteered to preach people in Gaza on their resistance, but never revealed but an ugly face of Egyptian monarchs. Abu El Gheit said that any Palestinian that would "break" Egyptian borders will have his legs "broken". It's been a while since we heared fascists like Yitzhak Rabin ordering the army to "break their bones". So much for the History that teaches fascists to learn from each other..
It would be ridiculous to continue mentioning Abu El Gheit's notes about the Palestinian resistance against Israel and the effect of launching home made projectiles and rockets towards Sdeirot. His retarded comments just reflect the IQ requirement that is needed to be part of the Egyptian regime that is practicing occupation on Egyptian "peasants". It's a rhetoric argument to blame resistance and an occupied nation for their given right to resist. The resistance did not starve people in Gaza, nor did they cut their electricity fuel, not did they embargo themselves, but the occupation did.
The current situation in Gaza is upsetting the Egyptian government because it screams that they are a group of "sell outs". By standing by and enforcing the status quo on Palestinians in Gaza, there is nothing to be understood more than this scandalous stand of the Palestinians suffering. Israel's ambassador in Egypt was talking about building a wall along the boarders between Gaza and Egypt to continue their from-the-Nazis-to-the-Zionists wall building traditions.
Of course, normal Egyptians stood from day one to support Palestinians and their cause. Abu Trika - the Egyptian famous soccer player - made his stand, and the rest of people in Egypt, clear and received the most dignifying yellow card in field. Here is the video..