Gaza Reacts ..

When screams for help weren't heard, begging for the human sense in everyone in the world didn't reach out, lighting a million and 300 thousand candles wasn't enough to light up dark cold nights, women in Gaza decided to break through the walls of stone and steal on the boarders while UN men were not up to the task. I woke up this morning on the news of thousands crossing the boarders to Egypt regardless of Ramallah's Karzai, Israel's Zionist supremacists, and the rest of the blind world. Every family has the challenge now to buy its children food and milk, and maybe some diesel to startup their backup generators to cope with the need to stay in the 21st century.

While Americans were celebrating their history of civil society struggle against hatred and disenfranchisement - based on race and gender - through the memory of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., another system of hatred and religious supremacy is shading another part of the world. The human tragedy continues in a different style, where KKK hoods were replaced by IDF helmets. The continuous mass-lashing and group punishment continues in Gaza Strip for their democratic choices.

The humanitarian depth of this problem is not but an echo to the political situation supported by stupid politicians in Israel, Palestine, and US. The 2 neighboring states solution continues to illustrate lousiness and ridicule throughout the results. One state is allowed to create an acceptable theocracy and religious supremacy, and the other to serve that picture with a supply of partial human workers. This is a denial of human dreams of a just distribution of rights and status. Standing against this is another chapter in human struggle against German Nazi's, S.African Nats, and now Jewish Zionism.

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