Palestinian Businessmen

- "They actually didn't count my last year.."
- "What do you mean ?"
- "I was enrolled in 2007.. I should have got my first rank in 6 months then in 2008 I should get a Mulazem (Lieutenant)"
- "what difference does that make ?"
- "Well .. I'm paid 1000 NIS and should get 2000"
- "wow"
- "bastards"
- "but technically, did you work last year for the security forces ?"
- "No .. we are not supposed to help Hamas government"
- "so what do they pay you for ?"
- "To stay home"
- "What ?"
- "If you were known to work for the government in Gaza.. They cut your salary right away"
- "wtf ? you are paid to stay home ? what kinda job is that ?"
- "these are the Ramallah bastards.. we are not supposed to support Gaza government"
- "The first government to hear that ever does that.. "

This conversation I had with my friend in Palestine - Hamas occupied territories (Gaza) at a very interesting time for me after finishing reading a book my wife gave me "Confessions of an Economic Hitman" which coincided with reading an interview with Jamal Ayesh - a co-founder of Fatah and a member in PLO's national committee. He mentioned how a bunch of "businessmen" are handling the Palestinian most critical issues like the Refugees, Jerusalem, water, and Settlements. This group of people is trying to hijack the Palestinian long and honoring history of struggle and self-sacrifice for personal agendas. No mentioning a number of examples of Dahalanism "Mohammed Dahalan case" and Qrai'ism "Abu Ala'a Qrai'a case with settlements". Some people like Dahalan had their cards burned by a more national group in Gaza - Hamas, but Qrai'a is leading the negotiations with the Israelis on our most important set of Palestinian red lines.

The problem is branching into a number of problems that is topped by having our top leaders get involved in a set of generous financial advantages that will change them from lousy statesmen to benefiting capitalist businessmen. On the other hand, a whole nation is dipped into a day to day life dilemma that will not push them to secure their most basic security, health, and food needs and not further care about self-determination or actualization. A whole nation leadership was trivialized in running a state's errants and beg for the next set of medicines to get into Gaza Strip or enough fuel to be shipped to keep patients from dying.

Throughout the confessions of the EHM I fell in love with the same personality the writer loved - Omar Torrijos that was murdered in a CIA style of plane crash if I'm not mistaken. It's a basic result of putting your nation's interest in front of uncle Sam's, or in Gaza's case to be boycotted and isolated and viewed as a terrorist with a beard. The stamping of the national heroes that spent their lives battling injustice to be extremists or terrorists is not a new theme, but it's a shame to fall in the same trap that has been used for the past century ..
As American's say "fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me" .. though Bush never knew how to say it right ..

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