The night before execution..

يا ليل خلِّ الأسيرْ تَ يْكمِّلْ نواحُو

Oh Night let the prisoner continue his mourning

رايح يفيق الفجر ويرفرف جْناحو

Morning will come and wave its wings

تَيَتْمَرْجَحْ المشنوق في هبّة رْياحو

Swinging the hanged in the blow of its winds


يا ليل وقِّف تَقَضِّي كلْ حسراتي

Oh night stop.. so I can finish my mourning

يمكن نسيت مين أنا ونْسيت آهاتي

You might have forgotten me and my sorrows

يا حيف كيف انقضت بيدك ساعاتي

How my hours just passed by


شمل الحبايب ضاعْ واتكسّروا اقْداحوا

The beloved are shattered and their glasses are broken


لا تظنْ دمعي خوف.. دمعي على اوطاني

No fear sheds my tears but my country

وعا كَمْشة زغاليل في البيت جوعاني

and little hungry birds back home

مين راح يطعمها بعدي وإخواني

Who would feed their hunger after me and my brothers


شباب اثنين قبلي ع المشنقة راحوا

Two young brothers were hanged


وبكرا مراتي كيف راح تقضي نهارها

And how will my wife do

ويلها عليّ وويلها على صغارها

her sorrow for me or hers for the children

يا ريتني خلّيت في أيدها سوارها

I wish I let her jewelery in her hands


يوم أن دعتني الحرب تا اشتري سلاحو

when war called me to buy my gun


ظنيت لنا ملوكٍ تمشي وراها رجالْ

I thought we had kings with men

تخسا الملوك إن كانوا هيك انذال

Shame on them they should belittled

والله تيجانهم ما يصلحوا لنا نعال

And their crowns are lower than our soles


إحنا اللي نحمي الوطن ونضمد جراحو
We protect our land and heal her wounds

This poem was written by whom is called Awad (عوض) ..
His notebook was the Akka prison wall.. and his pen was a piece of charcoal..
He wrote it mourning himself at the night he was hanged by the Brits in 1936..

I can't describe how touching this is, where I consider it the peak of pride fighting fear. He didn't know he will outlive himself with these words.

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