What's wrong with America - Economics: Part 1

In 1929, days after the stock market crash, the Harvard Economic Society assured its subscribers: "A sever depression is outside the probability". In a survey in March 2001, 95% of American economists said there would not be a recession, though one had already started. Today, most of economists do not forecast a recession in America, but the profession's pitiful forecasting record offers little comfort.
- Economist Magazine
The American economy is going for a free fall; vote for Hillary Clinton to save it. That's the ad. that was playing to call people to vote for Hilary Clinton in the Potomac Area. Americans are so naive that a shallow message like that will attract their attention and they would land their fears on the hope it suggests. Many people don't understand that tinkering with the system is just a delay of a certain collapse; it is like taking a pain killer where you grow more and more dependent on it, but it definitely doesn't solve the problem or cure your disease.
The current economic system in play in US is even worse than communism. Communism's hardcore structure and hierarchy and prevention of ownership created an outrageous sense of marginalizing within people, and way to the end of it till people figured out its drawbacks - though some did at the beginning. Capitalism offers the market solution that is ideal when the access to markets and information is equally granted, but who thinks this is the case today ? nobody.

Marketing the ideas of capitalism was a school of thought that was never as strong or ideal as the communism one. The prophets of capitalism - Ronald Regan and Margret Thatcher - had no further vision than getting and spending. With the underlying system of fractional reserve and interest, the down dip was essential. Markets became less and less accessible to normal Americans and more accessible to bigger corporates; and access to monetary power was granted to banks with the power of creating money of literal thin air. The rest of people were doomed to default and slip to the new style of slavery - debt slavery.

I really want you to view this eye-opening video that will give you a clearer view of the current monetary system. More people should be aware of how this functions so they can resist its givens.

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