A Jew could loath fascism at one level, but identify with its brutality at another. Such splitting is deeply characteristic of what we call human weaknesses. Thus some Jews could develop a national chauvinist reaction to the Holocaust, in which they might be expected to unto others something of that which had been done unto them and their families.To Matan Vilnai,
- From "Overcoming Zionism" by Joel Kovel
I can't be more disgraced of the human race as I am today after your comments were heard on the beloved Army radio. I can't be more ashamed of the stage that the world is giving you and your fellow Zionists, that day to day swallows bigger pieces of justice, freedom, and the common least denominator of humanities. I can't be more embarrassed of the human inherited culture of inequality, oppression, inferiority, and thirst for blood. Your words have been a disguise and a humiliation to the world, while "the world remains silent".
I wonder if you have consulted any of your neighbors about how horrifying and destructive it is in the "Shoah" you want to bring the Palestinians. Have you asked Aharon Appelfeld if making a new concentration camp like the one he escaped from in Gaza will be any escapable ? Did you ask David Grossman if your plan of resurrecting Nazi practices will bring any peace to the Palestinians he interviewed ? Have you asked - in Arabic please - the stolen land of settlements you live in if she is any thirsty for more blood ? Have you ever thought what it is to lose your wife or any of your kids and nobody cares to mention them or their names or their families or that it was their last walk on the beach ?
I don't understand your words unless they I blend in a historic mixture of Apartheid, racism, and religious Jewish superiority. It has been always shyly mentioned and related to Nazism, but you didn't like this vague and not opinionated stand. You wanted Israel to stand out as the land of Israel does on Arabs land. Your "Shoah" will not be different; will it find its bread and wine from the flesh and blood of Gazans, but their bones will bury you beside the Nazis prophets and their tears will write your name on their Hall of Shame.
Mr. Vilnai.. We are hearing in the news about the waged war against civilians in Gaza. We hear about families being killed, dozens of kids murdered, and more than 30 people were victims of your army's barbarism. You might be implementing your wishes to rage a bigger "Shoah" or "Holocaust" against Gaza, but these wishes will find themselves right beside Yitzhak Rabin's dreams that it would sink into the sea. Gaza was built by the little dreams that grow a country everyday with every sweat dropping from thick brows. Gazans will live on olive oil and zaatar and grow thin skin and big hearts, that will have hopes that outlive your words legacy.
A Palestinian